Processing: Titanic
Show the data about how many people survived and how many people died at the Titanic. Use the data from a given file and implement it using Processing.
Description of the solution:
This program focus on the interaction with the user to visualize the data of the Titanic.
I used pie charts to show the percentage of how many people survived and how many died. Therefore, there are four pie charts. The first one shows the percentages for all passengers. In the second to fourth one you can choose by clicking on the checkboxes from which sex (second pie chart), passenger class (third pie chart) or age group (fourth pie chart) you like to see the percentages in the pie chart.
Processing-Code: Titanic
//A class for Passengers to collect the data in one object class Passenger { int pclass; int survived; String sex; float age; // Get dat Passenger(XML[ ]titanicData, int row) { XML pass = titanicData[row]; this.pclass = pass.getChildren("Cell")[0].getIntContent(); this.survived = pass.getChildren("Cell")[1].getIntContent(); = pass.getChildren("Cell")[3].getContent(); this.age = pass.getChildren("Cell")[4].getIntContent(); } } // Declare some variables public Passenger[] passengerList; public int selectedClass = 1; public String selectedSex = "male"; public int selectedMinAge = 0; public int selectedMaxAge = 18; public String selectedAge = "children"; public float[] allAngles; public float[] pclassAngles; public float[] sexAngles; public float[] ageAngles; public String allHead = "All passengers"; public String pclassHead; public String sexHead; public String ageHead; public PFont b; public PFont n; public float red = 255; public float green = 0; void setup () { //Set the size and background of the programm size(1200, 900); background(255); //white //Load the File with all the data XML worksheet = loadXML("titanic passenger list.xml"); XML[] rows = worksheet.getChildren("Worksheet")[0].getChildren("Table")[0].getChildren("Row"); //Set the fonts b = createFont("Arial Black", 24, true); n = createFont("Arial", 24, true); //Implement a list for all passenger passengerList = new Passenger[1309]; //Load the data from each passenger into a list of the object passenger for (int count = 0; count < 1309; count++) { passengerList[count] = new Passenger(rows, count); } } void draw () { //Count which survived and not survived float[] allStatus = countAll(passengerList); allAngles = getAngels(allStatus); float[] pclassStatus = countPclass(passengerList, selectedClass); pclassAngles = getAngels(pclassStatus); float[] sexStatus = countSex(passengerList, selectedSex); sexAngles = getAngels(sexStatus); float[] ageStatus = countAge(passengerList, selectedMinAge, selectedMaxAge); ageAngles = getAngels(ageStatus); //Draw the boarders around the pie charts and it's descriptions/choices fill(255); rect(20, 20, 360, 400); rect(20, 470, 360, 400); rect(420, 20, 360, 400); rect(420, 470, 360, 400); //Draw pie chart and text for all passenger fill(0); textFont(b, 16); text(allHead, 50, 50); pieChart(200, 250, 300, allAngles); //Draw pie chart and text for all passenger from selected class fill(0); pclassHead = "Passenger from class " + selectedClass; textFont(b, 16); text(pclassHead, 50, 500); textFont(n, 16); fill(255); if (selectedClass == 1) { fill(255); rect(50, 515, 10, 10); rect(150, 515, 10, 10); rect(250, 515, 10, 10); fill(0); text("X", 50, 525); } else if (selectedClass == 2) { fill(255); rect(50, 515, 10, 10); rect(150, 515, 10, 10); rect(250, 515, 10, 10); fill(0); text("X", 150, 525); } else if (selectedClass == 3) { fill(255); rect(50, 515, 10, 10); rect(150, 515, 10, 10); rect(250, 515, 10, 10); fill(0); text("X", 250, 525); } fill(0); text("Class 1", 65, 525); text("Class 2", 165, 525); text("Class 3", 265, 525); pieChart(200, 700, 300, pclassAngles); //Change selection of class by clicking on the check boxes if (mouseX > 50 && mouseX < 60 && mouseY > 515 && mouseY < 525 && mousePressed == true) { selectedClass = 1; } else if (mouseX > 150 && mouseX < 160 && mouseY > 515 && mouseY < 525 && mousePressed == true) { selectedClass = 2; } else if (mouseX > 250 && mouseX < 260 && mouseY > 515 && mouseY < 525 && mousePressed == true) { println("in"); selectedClass = 3; } //Draw pie chart and text for all passenger from selected sex fill(0); sexHead = "Passenger with sex " + selectedSex; textFont(b, 16); text(sexHead, 450, 50); textFont(n, 16); if (selectedSex == "male") { fill(255); rect(450, 65, 10, 10); rect(550, 65, 10, 10); fill(0); text("X", 450, 75); } else if (selectedSex == "female") { fill(255); rect(450, 65, 10, 10); rect(550, 65, 10, 10); fill(0); text("X", 550, 75); } fill(0); text("male", 465, 75); text("female", 565, 75); pieChart(600, 250, 300, sexAngles); //Change selection of sex by clicking on the check boxes if (mouseX > 450 && mouseX < 460 && mouseY > 65 && mouseY < 75 && mousePressed == true) { selectedSex = "male"; } else if (mouseX > 550 && mouseX < 560 && mouseY > 65 && mouseY < 75 && mousePressed == true) { selectedSex = "female"; } //Draw pie chart and text for all passenger from selected age group fill(0); ageHead = "Passenger from age group " + selectedAge; textFont(b, 16); text(ageHead, 450, 500); textFont(n, 16); if (selectedAge == "children") { selectedMinAge = 0; selectedMaxAge = 18; fill(255); rect(450, 515, 10, 10); rect(550, 515, 10, 10); fill(0); text("X", 450, 525); } else if (selectedAge == "adults") { selectedMinAge = 18; selectedMaxAge = 90; fill(255); rect(450, 515, 10, 10); rect(550, 515, 10, 10); fill(0); text("X", 550, 525); } fill(0); text("children", 465, 525); text("adults", 565, 525); pieChart(600, 700, 300, ageAngles); //Change selection of age group by clicking on the check boxes if (mouseX > 450 && mouseX < 460 && mouseY > 515 && mouseY < 525 && mousePressed == true) { selectedAge = "children"; } else if (mouseX > 550 && mouseX < 560 && mouseY > 515 && mouseY < 525 && mousePressed == true) { selectedAge = "adults"; } //Draw the ledgend fill(200); rect(900, 20, 150, 120); fill(0); textFont(b, 16); text("Ledgend:", 910, 50); textFont(n, 16); fill(255, 0, 0); rect(910, 80, 10, 10); fill(0); text("dead", 925, 90); fill(0, 255, 0); rect(910, 110, 10, 10); fill(0); text("survived", 925, 120); } // Returns the values for angels for a pie chart from given valus public float[] getAngels(float[] status) { float total = status[0]; float alive = status[1]; float dead = status[2]; float degreeAlive = (alive / total) * 360; float degreeDead = (dead / total) * 360; float percentAlive = (alive / total) * 100; float percentDead = (dead / total) * 100; float[] angeles = {degreeAlive, degreeDead, percentAlive, percentDead}; return angeles; } //Returns the amount of survived and not survived passengers in a given class public float[] countPclass(Passenger[] passengerList, int choiceClass) { float live = 0; float dead = 0; float total = 0; for (int i = 1; i < passengerList.length; i++) { if (passengerList[i].pclass == choiceClass) { total++; if (passengerList[i].survived == 1) { live++; } else { dead++; } } } float[] status = {total, live, dead}; return status; } //Returns the amount of survived and not survived passengers within a given age public float[] countAge(Passenger[] passengerList, int choiceMinAge, int choiceMaxAge) { float live = 0; float dead = 0; float total = 0; for (int i = 1; i < passengerList.length; i++) { if (passengerList[i].age >= choiceMinAge && passengerList[i].age <= choiceMaxAge) { total++; if (passengerList[i].survived == 1) { live++; } else { dead++; } } } float[] status = {total, live, dead}; return status; } //Returns the amount of survived and not survived passengers with a given sex public float[] countSex(Passenger[] passengerList, String choiceSex) { float live = 0; float dead = 0; float total = 0; for (int i = 1; i < passengerList.length; i++) { if (passengerList[i].sex.equals(choiceSex)) { total++; if (passengerList[i].survived == 1) { live++; } else { dead++; } } } float[] status = {total, live, dead}; return status; } //Returns the amount of survived and not survived passengers at all public float[] countAll(Passenger[] passengerList) { float live = 0; float dead = 0; float total = 0; for (int i = 1; i < passengerList.length; i++) { total++; if (passengerList[i].survived == 1) { live++; } else { dead++; } } float[] status = {total, live, dead}; return status; } //Create the pie chart --> The example at void pieChart(float x, float y, float diameter, float[] angels) { /* Source:*/ float lastAngle = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (red == 255) { red = 0; } else { red = 255; } if (green == 255) { green = 0; } else { green = 255; } fill(red, green, 0); arc(x, y, diameter, diameter, lastAngle, lastAngle+radians(angels[i])); lastAngle += radians(angels[i]); } textFont(b, 16); fill(0); text("survived:" + "\n" + (float)(((int)(angels[2]*100))/100.0) + "%", x+30, y+30); fill(255); text("dead: " + "\n" + (float)(((int)(angels[3]*100))/100.0) + "%", x+30, y-55); }
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